This past year has been a whirlwind. A breathtaking rapid-fire 12 months
full of the best blessings and the biggest challenges I've ever faced. This
first year with our son has been full of so much monumental growth on all our
parts. Still in the midst of great growth some things have remained stagnant, like
this blog for instance. As I come up for a slow deep breath of air and a high five
to my husband for making it through the 'first year', I'm realizing how much
I've missed chronicling my work, family, inspirations and daily projects here.
Since I last blogged, there's been growth, giggles, sniffles, discoveries, awesome projects, amazing clients, some holidays, lots of food findings a first family vacation and everything in between.
SO this is me getting back to that part of my life where I get to escape, yet connect. A place where I can collect what inspires me and showcase the things I do and the things I love.